A white egret here in Frenkendorf. It’s so warm here in Switzerland that some of them don’t fly further south.
Latest Blogs
Bird Migration Leimental
I was with the local group of ornithologists and birders in Leimental, Switzerland. We saw many birds. I didn’t get […]
Lyon 2023
I was in Lyon for a week. I mostly used the SEL70350G. I also made a video.
stork migration
I saw many storks today, all flying towards the south. Also some blue tits, starlings, a lizard, and other animals. […]
Wildlife Camera
This album is special because I continuously add pictures that I take with the night-vision wildlife camera. So far I […]
Some picture of by Nicolai fatbike.
Gravelbike and gear
This album contains some pictures of my gravelbike and some other pictures of the gear I use on my adventures.
New blog
For now I will continue sharing my photos using Google cloud storage. This blog simply shows the albums. I’ll create […]
Klingnauer Stausee
It was quite warm and so I decided to take the large lens on this trip. The SEL200600G is heavy […]